We are tender and fierce. We are soft and strong. We are fragile and courageous. Sometimes all in one day. We are human.

Rates & Insurance

  • Mothering Roots Therapy & Wellness, LLC made an intentional decision to be an out-of-network provider with all insurance companies and is a private pay provider.

    By choosing a private pay therapist and coach, you have more autonomy, flexibility, and control of your treatment plan. We are not controlled and constrained by providing services only billable to specific insurance companies. It allows us space to offer longer and more frequent sessions than insurance may cover and intuitively design sessions with you to meet your needs.

  • There are additional benefits or private pay care that include: keeping your personal mental health information private by avoiding submitting a diagnosis to your insurance provider, individualized length of services/non-time-limited services, more productive time together instead of using our session for insurance required tasks, and straightforward payment.

    Additionally, some clients find that due to high deductibles with their insurance plans, they end up paying a high portion of the cost of their therapy sessions, and find more benefit in working with someone who they feel is a good fit for them, rather than who their insurance plan dictates for them.

    If you have further questions about your out-of-network benefits, you can contact your insurance carrier directly to inquire. I am able to provide you with documentation to support reimbursement for my service from your insurance carrier upon request.

    Please verify specific requirements for reimbursement with your insurance provider prior to your first session.

  • Jenna’s Rates:

    Free 15-minute consultation call (request via email)

    Intake: $200 (60 minutes)

    60 Minute Follow-Up Visit: $170 (Standard)

    45 Minute Follow-Up Visit: $135 (Upon Request)

    30 Minute Follow-Up Visit: $90 (Upon Request)

    Late Cancel: $80

    Missed Appointment (no show/no call): full session rate

    *Rates are the same for therapy and coaching services.

    Jenna understands how expensive therapy can be and advocates to her clients and everyone to ask/offer rates that are doable for them. Jenna is open to conversations surrounding price and finding something that works for both you and her if financial barriers are present.

    Rachael’s Rates:

    Free 15-minute consultation call (request via email)

    Intake: $125 (60 minutes)

    60 Minute Follow-Up Visit: $65-125 (Standard)

    Rachael offers a pick your price for your sessions within the range listed above for follow-up sessions.

    Late Cancel: $65

    Missed Appointment (no show/no call): full session rate

    There is a 48-hour cancellation policy.

    For more information see our Rates & Insurance page.

  • When booking your first appointment, a credit card must be provided, and all service fees are collected at the beginning of each session. Payments are accepted in the form of debit/credit cards (including HSA and flex spending), cash, or check. Credit card numbers are entered and stored in HIPAA compliant electronic practice management software. This is a very easy and hassle-free process. We will get you all set-up prior to your initial appointment.

    Mothering Roots Therapy & Wellness, LLC accepts all major debit/credit cards, and you also have the option of using your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA).

  • Mothering Roots Therapy & Wellness, LLC requests a 24 hours notice in cancelling appointments, so that there is time of offer this to a client on the waiting list.

    You will be charged a late cancel fee of $80 for appointments canceled with less than 24-hours notice (Late Cancel). If you no call/now show for your appointment, you will be charged the full session rate.

    If you are able to reschedule in the same week (this may or may not be available) then you will not be charged for the late cancel fee.

  • You will receive a Good-Faith Estimate after your initial conversation with Jenna for scheduling your first appointment. It will be included in your intake paperwork.

    No Surprises Act Implementation

    The “No Surprises Act” (the Act), allows for patient financial protections that impact health plans, physicians, and facilities.

    The “No Surprises Act” is a new requirement to provide a good faith estimate (GFE). Beginning January 1, 2022, health care providers will be required to give new and established patients who are uninsured, or self-pay, or patients who are shopping for care, a good faith estimate of costs for services that they provide.

    You have the right to receive a "Good Faith Estimate" explaining how much your medical care will cost.

    Under the law, health care providers need to give clients who don't have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.

    • You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.

    • Your health care provider shall provide you a Good Faith Estimate in writing prior to your medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider and any other provider you choose (to work with), for a Good Faith Estimate during scheduling.

    • If you receive a bill that is substantially higher than estimated on (more than $400 than) your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.

    • It is a good idea to save a copy of your Good Faith Estimate.

    For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises